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M-FUN - Miller Function & Participation Scales

M-FUN - Miller Function & Participation Scales
Aiheet Neuropsykologia, Toimintaterapia
Julkaisija Lucy J Miller
Soveltuvuus mm. toimintaterapeuteille
Ikäryhmät 2v6kk - 7v11kk
Suoritusaika 40 - 60 min (kyselylomake 5 - 10 min)
Tarkoitus Assess a child's functional performance related to school participation
Julkaistu 2006

The developmental assessment tool to:

* Assess functional motor skills in natural contexts
* Measure performance and participation in 2.6 – 7.11 year olds
* Link performance of functional activities to neuromotor foundational abilities
* Use as an outcome measure to monitor progress over time

Developed in line with the ICF framework
Miller Function and Participation Scales incorporates hands-on functional activities that appeal to children, with items that examine children’s development in fine, gross and visual motor skills.

Key features:
* Identify underlying neuromotor foundations through engaging, functional activities and occupations
* Applicable to children with mild to severe motor delays
* Provides standard and criterion-referenced scores
* Strong reliability and validity evidence in both normative and clinical groups
* Miller Function and Participation Scales is engaging for all children, including those with mild, moderate or severe motor impairment. Children with lower motor-function skills can also participate in test activities.

M-FUN Forms Bundle includes 25 Record Forms, 25 Workbooks, 25 Home Observation Checklists and 25 Classroom Observation Checklists.

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